Montag, 17. August 2009

And we went on.
We've visited many rooms for rent, but without any success.
One day we've had an appoitment with the previous tenant and we've had so much luck with him, jesus. He has started to be our friend, helped us in every single affairs of renting and ifirst of August we've moved in together. His name is Shadi and now he is our new roommate, that means: he is still living in his old appartment which have just become our appartment.
He knows how it feels being left alone in a strange country, with strange people, with no opportunities, so he decided to help us as a new friend. He believes in karma and he tries to do his best for the good one.
It always has been funny with him, he has made us laugh all the fucking time and it started to be bright for us, cause now we would have a place where we may go and which we can call home.
Its a really nice and quiet area. You can find nearly everything in this are: foodland, doctor, pharamacy, subway and this huge yorkdale shopping centre that has nearly everything: many apparal shops, beauity shops, coffee shops, a cinemar and all the other staff.

First few days we've started to get used to the new area, to our new roommate and friend and our new rooms [yey, finally we have got our own rooms, we've nearly started to get on our nerves, man]
At the moment its very damn hot outside and even inside. You can't breathe, you cant sleep, you can't move and the worst: you don't want to, cause its to wearisome. I hate heat. Anyway this much.

Now its 17th august and we are still looking for a job.
Today I've been in the mall looking for a job in many shops: Zara, Forever 21, Tim Hortons, Starbucks, Cineplex and Hollister Co.
Few days ago I've made some online applications for H&M, Tim Hortons [many] and American Apparal.
Today I've got a mail from American Apparal that if I'd be interested in any location in toronto I'm supposed to go to an open call on Mondays or Fridays in the locations of Dundas or of Yonge Street.
yay, maybe it should work out. :') I hope so. I'm really bitchy at the moment, because i havent anything to do. I really start to get lazy and then i start to get in really bad moods and in too much trouble with my thought- so, i really really need a fucking job now.

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